Artesano Vitners
In 2016, New Zealanders Mike Shepherd and Alex Craighead decided to form Artesano Vintners Spain. Alex, owner of Don and Kindelli Wines in Nelson, New Zealand, and Mike, winemaker in Barcelona, wanted to take advantage of the incredible resources that can be found in Catalonia. After obtaining biological grapes from Conca de Barberà and Priorat, and finding a small space in the Bodega La Boella, they made their first range of two wines: 'La Benjamina', a passionate ancestral and 'Parellatxa', a light red made with Parellada and Garnatxa. Their wines are small batches (1200 bottles in total), without added sulfites, wild yeasts and without clarification or filtration. They are also involved in a project with Celler Comunica in Falset, producing each year a barrel of "Miksei", a red wine made from their organic vineyards.
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